relation typeΒΆ

Controlled list values

  • IsCitedBy (indicates that B includes A in a citation)
  • Cites (indicates that A includes B in a citation)
  • IsSupplementTo (indicates that A is a supplement to B)
  • IsSupplementedBy (indicates that B is a supplement to A)
  • IsContinuedBy (indicates A is continued by the work B)
  • Continues (indicates A is a continuation of the work B)
  • IsDescribedBy (indicates A is described by B)
  • Describes (indicates A describes B)
  • HasMetadata (indicates resource A has additional metadata B)
  • IsMetadataFor (indicates additional metadata A for a resource B)
  • HasVersion (indicates A has a version B)
  • IsVersionOf (indicates A is a version of B)
  • IsNewVersionOf (indicates A is a new edition of B, where the new edition has been modified or updated)
  • IsPreviousVersionOf (indicates A is a previous edition of B)
  • IsPartOf (indicates A is a portion of B;may be used for elements of a series)
  • HasPart (indicates A includes the part B)
  • IsReferencedBy (indicates A is used as a source of information by B)
  • References (indicates B is used as a source of information for A)
  • IsDocumentedBy (indicates B is documentation about/explaining A)
  • Documents (indicates A is documentation about/explaining B)
  • IsCompiledBy (indicates B is used to compile or create A)
  • Compiles (indicates B is the result of a compile or creation event using A)
  • IsVariantFormOf (indicates A is a variant or different form of B, e.g. calculated or calibrated form or different packaging)
  • IsOriginalFormOf (indicates A is the original form of B)
  • IsIdenticalTo (indicates that A is identical to B, for use when there is a need to register two separate instances of the same resource)
  • IsReviewedBy (indicates that A is reviewed by B)
  • Reviews (indicates that A is a review of B)
  • IsDerivedFrom (indicates B is a source upon which A is based)
  • IsSourceOf (indicates A is a source upon which B is based)
  • IsRequiredBy (indicates A is required by B)
  • Requires (indicates A requires B)
  • IsPublishedIn (indicates that A is published in B)